Sunday, January 25, 2009

Beach trip

In mid January we visited Carolina Beach. It was a request made by the Depps since they had been away for so long.The usual suspects attended. Maddox, Addi, and Matt... Adam and Melissa...
Kristen and Grandad (Gran was somewhere too!)...
And Jenny, five months pregnant by now.
One of the highlights was visiting the NC Aquarium with the kids.
Addi decided to watch us instead of the fish feeding demonstration.
Maddox becoming a fan of calimari.
Addi as a hermit crab.
Even Turner had a big time.
The Russian kids enjoyed the mid January ocean. Actually none of us, including their parents could believe how they took their shoes off and hopped right in.
Maddox eventually had to remove his pants.
Addi has really turned into a beautiful little girl and had a ball playing with Turner.
Turner's first stroll on the beach.
We wished that we could have spent more time, but it was fun just seeing each other and having nothing to do!

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