Friday, February 27, 2009


Papaw (Matt's grandfather), James Truman Staton, passed away on February 20. He is greatly missed. Papaw had been fighting multiple ailments for a while and the family was able to say goodbye without him suffering for too long a time. K and I were able to see and speak with him about a week before he passed away.
Papaw had a way of telling the most entertaining stories with lots of details and he also told great jokes. He loved his grandchildren and great grandchildren very much.
The last time we spoke to him, he was in the hospital and had lost lots of weight. He was moved into a hospice home in High Point shortly thereafter, but was only there for three days. On our last visit we really enjoyed listening to him tell us about his baseball playing days including the time he had his bat loaded with lead!
I can remember staying at Papaw's when I was little and how much he enjoyed giving us hugs and kisses ("sugar"). I can remember him sitting out on the front porch and watching us play. I also remember him working in the yard and gardens that they had. He always loved to make us laugh.
Papaw lost his sight in his later years and I always felt like I had an important job when I was leading him around. He also took up the harmonica again and was very good at playing songs he remembered from his youth. He always wanted to know more about my bass playing.
Turner didn't get much time with Papaw, but I will always think that Papaw hung on as long as he did in part to get to hold Turner. I hope these pictures will convey to Turner one day the love that Papaw had for him.
Papaw will be missed but we believe that he can now breathe with clear lungs, walk without help, throw a baseball again, and see the glory of God with new eyes.

February Turner Report

February went by too quickly. Here are the Turner highlights.
The most exciting development was Turner's baptism on February 22. I dont have the pictures from the church yet, but will post them when I do. He got sprinkled with water by Pastor Yount (who also baptized K and married us too) and only started yelling when it was about over. We had lots of family at the church and then lots more at the house afterward. Turner and Bailey hanging out at the invitation only baptism after party. Turner has learned how to sit up...
For about five seconds at a time. Cousin Riley on the left is amused.
Aunt Deon holds the newest saint.
Ty had a lot of fun with his Papa and our front door.
This is one of K's favorite Turner activities.
Turner ready for the elements and any random typhoons.
Turner has really gotten the hang of eating the solid food that we have been feeding him and seems to especially enjoy sweet potatoes.

Silly Turner Tricks