Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas with Turner

Turner got so many great Christmas gifts that he hasn't touched an old toy in days now. Here are some videos from Christmas Day.

Turner's Chrismas truck from Matt Boone on Vimeo.

This is the first thing that Turner ran to on Christmas morning, a new monster truck. He woke up early as usual and went through his stocking but then wanted another nap, which was fine because the larger gifts didn't come out until his grandparents arrived at 8.

Turner's new Christmas ball from Matt Boone on Vimeo.

He has been holding this ball over his head and then letting it hit his noggin. We think that he is trying to shoot the ball but hasn't quite figured it out yet.

Turner rocking on Christmas from Matt Boone on Vimeo.

He likes rocking with his new guitar.

Turner's Christmas puzzle from Matt Boone on Vimeo.

He got a couple of puzzles that he has had fun with.

Untitled from Matt Boone on Vimeo.
Here he is opening one of those puzzles.

Turner's Christmas lawn mower from Matt Boone on Vimeo.

And here's the lawn mower that Gran and Grandad gave him.
We had a great time with him over the course of three family Christmases!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Halloween featuring The Man of Steel

Turner had a great time on Halloween. Introducting The Man of Steel. The T-man enjoyed his cape many days before Halloween.
Superman and his trusty sidekick, Krypto.
Even Superman needs a snack every now and then.
Superman and his Grams, presumably either somewhere on Krypton or in Durham.
Our visit to the pumpkin patch was entertaining.
Turner was amazed by the Indian corn for sale.
He had a hard time picking out just the right one.
But this is how it turned out. It's a kitty cat!
Here Mommy teaches Superman how to fly.
Superman and family. The Yangs and theVasbinders came over for the big evening.
Superman and his father, Jor-El, well known for his love of the Panthers.
It's Jon and Kate! If anyone could get them back together, it would be Superman.
The Man of Steel on his trike.
These people handed out all of our candy.
Bailey and Turner in the wagon and Riley and Ty behind.

This kryptonite snack necessitated Superman's ride around the neighborhood in a little green wagon.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Turner's Birthday!

Our little boy turned one on September 23! We celebrated with friends and family in Apex on September 19.
Turner had the perfect outfit for the occasion.
All in the ballpit!
The T-man really enjoyed all of the wrapping paper and boxes. Much more so than the toys.
Intense concentration was needed for this toy.
We had cupcakes to celebrate.
And Turner plowed through his. It was a very fun day for our special boy!

Monday, October 19, 2009


In early September, the little man was getting a little shaggy and was mistaken for a girl twice. So we decided to do something about it. We took Turner to Daddy's barber shop where Mommy was the only woman that has been in the shop in three years.
Turner didn't really care for the experience but the barber did a good job as Turner swiveled his head back and forth.

The barber only snipped off one ear.
In the end the T-man looked like a little boy again and we were unashamed to take him out in polite company.

Zoo trip

On September 3, Mom, Dad, and Turner went to the Asheboro zoo where every animal was a dog dog! Here we are entering the park. T-man really liked the view from mom and dad's shoulders.

We enjoyed watching the seals...
And pushing our stroller around the rhino exhibit.
And the giraffes kept us entranced. The monkey cages were all full so Turner B ended up coming home with us.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Daddy's proudest moment

Turner and daddy share a favorite baseball team. Daddy is so proud! We are working on the chant.

Tomahawk Chop from Matt Boone on Vimeo.

Bath time

Turner loves bath time. He splashes and plays with tub toys. And tries to drink all of the water. This video is from a month or so ago.

Turner's bathtime from Matt Boone on Vimeo.

Hi Ho Silver!

A couple of weeks ago Turner's daycare brought in ponies for the kids to ride. As you can see, mommy enjoyed it much more than Turner did.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Rug Rat

We spend a lot of time playing in the living room with Turner. Here's a chance to see some of the fun things that we do.
We like to play with wrapping paper tubes.
And upside down.
Wrestle with Dad.
Try on some shoes.
Hide out in the exersaucer.
Play with our activity table.
Adjust the blinds.
Lock out mommy and Chloe.
Smoke a pipe.
Read a book.
Ride Dad's shoulders.
Open boxes.
Kiss on Chloe.
And finally vacuum it all up at the end of the day!